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Friends of Sandbanks Park

Working with the Park to make it an even better place to visit

West Lake Sand Dunes, September 2023

The summer visitors are gone, leaving behind only millions of footprints on our dunes!

And thanks to a diligent effort by Park management and staff throughout this very busy 2023 summer season, very little trash!

Mid-to-late September is the best time to reclaim our favourite County spot… cooler temperatures, lower sun angles and changing colours on the cottonwoods and willows throughout the West Lake sandbar make this time of year a photographer's dream.

Some late season Monarch butterflies can still be found flitting among the milkweed plants, the occasional turkey vulture flies overhead, hoping for a meal, and the ubiquitous Canada Geese are still noisily honking along the shores of West Lake.

Make the most of our short fall season, and really explore the dunes! If you arrive early in the day, you are likely to be the only person more than a stone's-throw from the beach.

And that rare personal solitude on a sunny fall day with a warm lake breeze in a unique natural landscape is priceless!

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Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

Fall Views of Sandbanks Dunes

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